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Glossary of Terms

To understand the terms associated with Embodiment and Education

Assessment - the method of evaluating what is learnt and being taught. The "okay did it work" part of teaching in a classroom. 

Embodiment/ being embodied - The idea that the body participates in the construction of our selves and the world just as much as the mind does. The body contains knowledge of the self, the relationships and participates in the understanding of the social and natural environment. Embodiment means to bring attention to this knowledge and habits. It goes against the idea that the 'mind controls the body, its experiences and its perception of it" and instead brings the mind and body into the fold of one another so as to navigate experiences and perceptions of them more wholesomely.

Curriculum - the chosen content that needs to be taught. The 'what' of the teaching that is intended to take place. 

Pedagogy - the process of teaching. It is the 'how' of teaching and learning taking place in a classroom

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