Performance, Conferences and Workshops
Workshops and Retreats
Desire Retreat - Brinda Jacob
March 2023
The retreat was an exploration of authentic movement and expressive arts methods to access our desire, rage and other stored emotions. It was a 3 day workshop outside of Bangalore. I helped organise the logistics as well as was a participant.
Feldenkrais Method - Michel Casanovas
Feb and March 2023
There was a series of two 3 day workshops that was introduction to the Feldenkrais Method. I attended group sessions and private sessions to deeper understand the method through practice.Â
Michel also took us through different processes of contact improv.
Words and Bodies - Diya Naidu
March 2023
It was a 2 day workshop that integrated Diya's experience with movement, animism and somatic work.Â
The workshop looked at how words and experiences landed on the body. It was a process to deepen our relationship and awareness of the body.
Shadow Puppet Making - Folk Artists
Nov 2022
The workshop was a part of a series that was an experience with leather design, cutting, carving and painting as well as placement and practice to engage with folk shadow puppets.
Dance in Education - Tripura Kashyap
Feb 2018
It was a 2 day workshop with Tripura Kashyap on her experience of using movement in an educational context. She gave us an introduction on the different ways in can be used and the classroom management techniques required for such an integration
Aerial Silk Workshop - Vishwakiran Nambi
Dec 2022
One day workshop on the kinds of knots, climbs and hangs that are employed in the art form method.
Assitant Director, Actor
Content AdvisoryÂ
(Nov-Dec 2022)
It was forum shadow theatre production directed by Evan Hastings. It was an interactive play on Sexual Harrassment on University Campuses using Evan's artistic method of Shadow Liberation.
I helped write, direct and produce the play over the course of 3-4 months. It was performed at Bangalore Design Week, Oxford College and Mandala Theatre at Nepal International Theatre Festival
Still Standing (2021)
It was a piece directed by Shabari Rao and performed at Rangashankara foyer. Still Standing wass a performance that explored embodied experience of stillness. It was a work that navigated pace, stillness and the group dynamics. It questioned the aspects of disruption, settling, threshold and intuition.
Writer, Director
Jen Taroke Hogana (April 2021)
It was a production of 108 students. Inspired by the storytelling format of Michael Rosen's "We're Going on a Bear Hunt," the song underwent adaptation to a more relevant context with space for ethical reasoning. it was translated to Kannada, the language of instruction in the school.
The play was an adventure song to 'collect honey'. It explored different ecosystems and human settlements in forests, ponds and grasslands.
Choreographer, Teacher and Performer
Folk Dances
It was a series of 6 folk dances : Thiruvathira, Bathukamma, Garba and Dandiya, Lavani, Kummi and Bhangra. They were performed on associated with festivals with groups varying between 25-45 participants. All the performances culminated in workshops in learning the dance forms as well.
Boeing BoeingÂ
Directed by Rishi and produced by Barking Dog Productions.Â
The play was performed for 4 weeks at Alliance Fraincais in Bangalore.
The Kick, the Quest and the Question
Directed by Arati Punwani and produced by Tarantismo Company.Â
The play was a student production that explored different civilisations in different timelines including the Greek, Chinese and Industrial London.
Child Actor
Purple Roses
Directed by Ranji David and Produced by Yours Truly
It was a playback theatre production in Kannada. The play was set in a rural setting with a romantic narrative. I was a child actor. The play was put up in Chowdiah and Rangashankara as well as in Mysore.
Kathak and ContemporaryÂ
(2002-2006, 2015-2017)
There were multiple performances over the course of the years. The performances spanned narratives of the Churning of the Ocean, Tribal narratives using masks and sticks and Saare Jahaan Se Acha performed at the 100th anniversary of the song
Attended the online conference conducted by Just Being Center.Â
It covered aspects of education, therapy, coaching and art using mindfulness as a practice
I attended the online conference conducted by Embodiment Unlimited.
It was a global conference that covered different aspects of embodiment such as therapy, dance, ecology, trauma, relationships and intimacy and Yoga
Attended a conference by Shreya Nagarajan Singh Arts Development Consultancy and Kumudha ChandrasekarÂ
The conference covered the why should we Unlearn, how can we Unlearn and what should we Unlearn in the realm of Classical Dance and Movement in the Indian context
Presented on "Embodied Education of Humanities".Â
It was a Humanities Conference conducted by Azim Premji University, Humanities Department.